Eadweard Muybridge (1830~1903) espantou o mundo ocidental
com registros fotográficos contínuos, pretensos, raros, belos,
científicos, sem deixar de exibir uma poderosíssima estética,
nos dando a gênese do que hoje denominamos ´filme´ ou mais
comumente, CINEMA, corruptela latina do original em grêgo
kinemáthos do mais analógico -e óbvio- possível ´movimento´.
Há passagens históricas na fotografia que os registros falam por
si, como é o caso da corrida de bólidos auto móveis em Amiens,
França, onde o fotógrafo, prô seu encanto e surpresa, captura
as 1as. imagens da cena em movimento... COM MOVIMENTO!

Jacques-Henri Charles-Auguste LARTIGUE:
Most famous vintage "Focal Plane Shutter Distortion" with the Rène Croquet’s #6 Theophile Schneider racer. The car was captured as if leaning-forward-at-speed during the XIII Grand Prix de l’A.C.F. July 12, 1913 at Amiens, France.
Tal façanha é possível devido à travessia do Obturador num
plano horizontal, gerando uma Aberração Óptica, à um só
tempo simples e relativamente complexa, alterando nossas
Perspectivas e os Pontos-de-Fuga, estes, tão preciosos na
biologia do enxergar na Física do equipamento humano:
Sem esses referenciais presentes, nós nos confundimos !
No caso da imagem clássica do carro de corrida distorcendo
á direita, enquanto os espectadores deformam à esquerda,
isto ocorre por que o plano do obturador na horizontal passa
lentamente, enquanto Mr. Lartigue acompanha o movimento
do carro, técnica conhecida como ´panning´ ou varredura.
Eis que... A Leica DCC M3 também ´agrega´ essas qualidades !
Assim que dominar ainda mais o equipamento, tratando-o como
um obediente cão (por enquanto, é ele quem me domina, como
um gato faz personalizadamente com seu dono... ) devo obter
registros ainda mais satisfatórios, cujas distorções alteram... se
não em definitivo... ao menos ( eu vou querer acreditar ) em
parte, o modo ´´certinho´´ e controlado de vermos as coisas.

A VW´s Focal Plane Shutter Distortion, made it by myself!

Vórtex... Watch the concrete pole, squizzing by itself!

Squeeeeeeze... ÔPS... I am not pretty drunk out... YET.

Slightily "Spiral" Pole besides a Brazilian Phone Boot
Eadweard Muybridge (1830 ~ 1903) enchants the Western World
with his continnuous shots, all rare, beauty, sublime & scientific,
but never forgotten a stronggest aestehetic aproach, a kind of
Contemporary Law-Giver in a pré-Cyber manner, giving to us the
foyeur of what all of us named ´´movie´´, from the Latin word
movement, or, more commercially, Movie Theatre, the Cinema
from Ancient Greek ´´kinemáthos´´ the roots of, yes indeed,
the obviously and so apopriate, analogic, ´movement´ word.

But exist some historic cliffs and trails about the photography
that its registers talks by themselves, like an ancient european
racecar, Cigars-like in form of Wheeled Rockets where the shutter,
for his own amazement and surprise, captures the 1st. original
scene in movement... WITH THE FRAMED MOVEMENT, INDEED !
This exploit it turns into ´possible to do´ in a propper manner,
becouse the obturator crosses through a horizontal plan, in a
Left-To-Right short movement, the so called "focal plane shutter distortion", complex iand simple at the same time, wich alterates
the point of perspectives, so necessary and usefull among us the
Superior Primates born-equipped with Steroscopic Lenses , the
phisycs of the human ´no sparepart equipment´ vision.
Without that perspectives, we feel -really- like losts animals.
In refference to the classic, vintage image of the race car in
deforming perspective to right, forwardding the scene while
the spectators was deformmed rewinded left, this happens
thanks to the slow motion of the shutter on horizontal axis,
while Mr. Lartigue hunts in a so skillfull and original mood
the old race car, in a panning movement with the camera.
Here is the DCC MINOX LEICA M3 also agregate this behaviors!
So expert I will turns into this gadget, dealling with it as a Loyal
Dog ( at this present moment, this machine was most kindda
CAT and I am his Comprehensive Slave... ) I will obtain much
more satisfatory records, which distortions alterates, if no in a
deffinitively way ( I want to believe this ), at least, in a partial
form against the confformed and controlled and naturall means
to watch things. I am talking here of ALL THE THINGS, INDEED.
Christian Steagall-Condé
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