Adoro essas fotos BIZÔNHAS, cujos créditos de sua produção devem-se inteiramente á ótica, num mix de Software & Hardware & CCD & Obturador & Quetais.... Tratam-se de interferências únicas, irreprodutíveis, seja no tom, na intensidade, no brilho RGB ou no poltergeist obtido.
Entendo esses registros, prontamente descartáveis por 99.9999% da humanidade, tão FOTOS, quanto qualquer outra.
Sem contar os tons cromáticos esfuziantes associados às texturas incríveis que são ´´geradas´´.


AI cherish this so BIZARRE photos, wich authoring credits of its productions lays integrally thoroughout the optics, in a weird mix and confusion among Software & Hardware & CCD & Leica Lenses & So On...
This interferences are UNIQUES.
Unreproduceables, originals, astonishings, speak us about Intensity, Contrast, Brightnessess or on the POLTERGEIST EFFECTS, do not mind, I REALLY understand that this records (even a single home-aloned one, lost in an old shoebox) IS photography, as any other image or scene taken conscientiously.
The funny things is:
99.9999% of mankind that I know, will discard them all, like toxic waste, an error, a fail, an absent, a slip, a lethal donkey-like stupid man making stupid things, a shame and on, and on, and on...
This shots have its beauty by themselves, not only about the fuzzy chromatic tones among incredible textures, handsome indeed, but -more bizarre- auto generated !
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